Friday, December 4, 2009

GALA Ticket/Sponsor FORM

A New Way of Life Reentry Project™

Helping women and girls break the cycle of entrapment in the criminal justice system and lead healthy and satisfying lives

The 11th Anniversary Gala is a dinner fundraising event. Through this event, we intend to highlight our accomplishments, feature success stories, and acknowledge our long time friends and supporters.

The proceeds from this event will help us to provide housing, clothing, food, educational, and recreational activities to formerly incarcerated women and their children.

Event Schedule
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009
Location: Watts Labor Community Action Committee
Phoenix Hall
10950 South Central Ave, Los Angeles CA 90059
Time: 6:00 – Doors Open
6:15 – 6:45pm – VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum
7:00 – 9:00pm – Dinner & Program

The number of women in prison and parole in California has risen dramatically over the past two decades. Approximately one quarter of them are returned to Los Angeles County with the heaviest burden falling on low-income communities of Los Angeles. Once on the outside, many formerly incarcerated people find it very difficult to secure the most basic necessities of independent living – a job, permanent housing, and access to public resources and assistance. Successful reentry requires living wage jobs, housing, access to drug and alcholol rehabilitation, public benefits, health, and mental health care services, and reunification assistance.
A New Way of Life Reentry Project is a non profit organization that provides housing and reentry support to formerly incarcerated women and their children. A New Way of Life operates a total of five sober living homes, serving 50-60 women and children per year, and offers a wide range of support services to help facilitate a successful transition back to community life. To date, we have transformed the lives of over 400 women.

A New Way of Life Reentry Project is a registered 501©3 nonprofit. Our Tax ID number is 95-4782503. All donations are tax-deductible. Please confirm donation by 12/1/09 for printing purposes.

Gala Advertisement Rates

Business Name and Address Listed as Sponsor: $50.00
Donation Amount: $__________ | ____# of ads

Business Card Advertisement (3.5 x 2 inches): $100.00
Donation Amount: $__________ | ____# of ads

Half-Page Advertisement (4.25 x 5.5 inches): $250.00
Donation Amount: $__________ | ____# of ads

Full-Page Advertisement (5.5 x 8.5 inches): $500.00
Donation Amount: $__________ | ____# of ads

Total Advertisements $__________

Advertisement Deadline: December 9


Donation Level and Package

Gold Sustainer
$2500 and up
•Name/ Company Logo displayed prominently at event
•Name/ Company Logo on special event website
•Name/ Company Logo in program booklet
•Name/ Company Logo in ads and press releases
•Full-Page Advertisement in program booklet
•(20) dinner tickets for company guests
•(20) Passes to VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum

Donation Amount:

Silver Sustainer
$1000 to $2500
•Name/ Company Logo on special event website
•Name/ Company Logo in program booklet
•Name/ Company Logo in ads and press releases
•Half-Page Advertisement in program booklet
•(15) dinner tickets
•(15) Passes to VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum

Donation Amount:

Bronze Sustainer
•Name/ Company Logo on special event website
•Name/ Company Logo in program booklet
•(12) dinner tickets
•(12) Passes to VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum

Donation Amount:

Table Sponsor
•Name in program booklet
•(10) dinner tickets
•(10) Passes to VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum

Donation Amount:

Community Sponsor
•Name in program booklet
•(1) Dinner Ticket
•(1) Pass to VIP Tour through Civil Rights Museum

Donation Amount:
$__________ # of sponsorships ______

Dinner Ticket
•(1) Dinner Ticket

Donation Amount:
$__________ #___ of Tickets

In-Kind Contributor
Gift valued at $1000 and up
•Name/ Company Logo on special event website
•Name/ Company Logo in program booklet
•Name/ Company Logo in ads and press releases
•(2) Dinner Tickets

Donation Retail Value:

In-Kind Contributor
Gift valued at less than $1000
•Name in program booklet

Donation Retail Value:

TOTAL DONATION $__________

NAME: ____________________________________________
BUSINESS: _________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________
PHONE: ___________________________________________
EMAIL: __________________________________________

Donate online at

Elizabeth Venable, Development Director
A New Way of Life Reentry Project, PO Box 875288, Los Angeles, CA 90087
323-563-3575 (tel) – 323-563-1889 (fax) –


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